

…because I am moving back east and cool things may start happening again.

In case you were wondering…the past year has been spent in grad school.

Be back at the end of August!

On August 5th the lovely Sarah and I enjoyed a delicious meal at L’Albatross in honor of her graduation from Kent State University and to wish her bon voyage as she was moving back home to San Francisco.

Effen Herbs and Berries: Effen Vodka, strawberries, basil & balsamic vinegar


Rosemary Limeade, Prairie organic vodka, rosemary syrup with fresh lime and seltzer


Assiette De Fromages: Selection of Five


Charcuterie Platter


Choucroute Garni: sauerkraut, smoked pork chop, sausage and pork belly


Braised Leg of Lamb: with pasta risotto and rosemary jus


Pear and Almond Tart with burnt caramel ice cream


I MOVED (…again), from the ever so lovely basement of my brother and sister-in-law to a fantastic apartment in Akron with Alex. I spent three days moving all of my things from the basement to the apartment. On Wednesday my brother and I moved some furniture from Kent (in the rain) down to Akron. It didn’t take too long for Alex and I to make our new apartment into a home. While we were unpacking a little visitor popped up on our porch….meet Kevin. Kevin is a girl. We thought she was a he at first, thus Kevin, but either way the name was inspired by the movie Up.

Yes I know I seem to move a lot. But I promise you I am not running from anything… Still state #5 and now address #9.

We live on the first floor and we get to enjoy the nice big porch too!

Kevin adopted us and the bowl...well we thing the people who lived here before us left it out for her.


She is a great guard kitty! She chases away the other stray cats.


She really is pretty darn cute.....but....


..her favorite spot is spying on us through our window!

Axios! Axios! Axios! On July 19th my father was ordained to the priesthood in Endicott, NY by Bishop Michael. Most of our family came in from all over the northeast for the event. It occurred during the Diocese of NY and NJ’s diocesan assembly. Needless to say the church was packed! It was a wonderful service and the start of a new chapter for my family.

St. Tikhon’s that’s the place to be joy and fun are here for you and me!

Well joy and fun eventually but first several days of back breaking labor and wicked late nights (like the 5am night my co-director pulled…).  This year was the first year Kim, Nick and I directed the entire camp, in addition to the Teen Program. The intense amount of stress involved was crazy, but it was well worth it! Here are a few pictures of the week,  I just wish I took more!

Camp started on July 3rd and we were all greeted with crazy storms that caused a Noah like flood through the pavilion, where I just happened to be set up for registration. It was fantastic… not really…Lucky for me the rest of the week was great and I’m pretty sure the kids had a great time too! We will have some great photos and information posted on our website so check it out!www.sttikhonscamp.org

Hard at work during Counselor Orientation!


Counselors and Teens playing vollyball. These games get pretty intense!


Teens taking a boat ride on the lake.

Face painting and more at our Independence Day Party!!!


Workshop with the teens.


Delicious Afternoon Tea!!!


The little blue shirts (7 and 8 year olds) having fun at the pool!


Everyday we had morning and evening prayers. All of the campers and counselors made up one large choir!


All work and no play makes Alex a dull boy...


Some of the teens worked in the cemetery planting flowers on some of the graves.


Hard at work planting a cross as a new grave marker.


Enjoying our Thursday night cookout with Bishop Tikhon!


Friday night we wrapped things up with a Talent show....


...Russian dancing in the parking lot...


...and a bonfire for roasting marshmellows!